How to book a flight with ShareTrip app?
Where can I check my booking details and status?
How do I use Trip Coin while purchasing an air ticket using app?
Can I change my flight date through your app or website?
What is the process of changing the date of the flight?
Can I have a hard-copy receipt of my air ticket?
If the fare increase after I book the ticket what will happen?
How to add baggage through “ShareTrip”?
How am I supposed to input my frequent flyer number?
Is it necessary to upload Visa and passport copies while booking LCC flights?
Is it possible to only book an air ticket from ShareTrip without payment?
If I purchase through a card, will it cost any extra charge?
Will online transactions reduce my travel quota?
How am I supposed to know the airline's name by seeing only a picture?
Why is there an amendment charge?
Can I make a reservation without a credit/debit card?
I am entering my credit card details. When will I be charged?
Is it possible to purchase an air ticket for 7 people maximum or more at a time?
Will the payment be deducted in Dollars or BDT?
Can I purchase any domestic flight from other countries apart from Bangladesh through ShareTrip?
Why is there no Airfare rules mentioned?
How much will it cost to arrange a wheelchair/stretcher?
Refund Guard
What is ShareTrip Refund Guard?
What events are covered by Refund Guard?
When does Refund Guard coverage begin and end?
How will I be notified of my Refund Guard subscription?
Where can I get more information or assistance regarding Refund Guard?
How do I file a Refund Guard claim?
What are the exceptions to Refund Guard coverage?
Can I purchase Refund Guard after booking my flight?
What are the Refund Guard plan variants and insured amounts?
Why should I use Combo Fare?
What does Refund Guard cover?
How do I add Refund Guard to my booking?
What is the process for Refund Guard claim settlement?
Which plans are available under ShareTrip Refund Guard?
Who is eligible for Refund Guard?
Combo Fare
Cancellation & Refund
Ancillary Services
How does SmartDelay work?
What are the benefits of SmartDelay?
What is SmartDelay?
Does the eSIM include a phone number?
What happens if I delete my eSIM profile by mistake?
When should eSIM be activated?
Which devices are compatible with eSIM?
Can I use the lounge access voucher on a different day?
Can I transfer my eSIM to another device?
What is an eSIM?
How far in advance are the flight alerts activated?
How will I be notified of lounge access eligibility?
Can I use the eSIM immediately after activation?
What is a Flight Alert?
What does the flight alert service cover?
Who is eligible for the SmartDelay service?
Will the eSIM work in multiple countries?
What is ST Convenience Fee?
Can you book a domestic flight on ShareTrip?
Can I make the payment later for an online booking on ShareTrip?
Will it cost any extra charge if I purchase through a card on ShareTrip?
What is the process of cancelling a purchased ticket on ShareTrip?
May I have a hard-copy receipt sent by post?
What is the process of changing the date of any flights on ShareTrip?
I have a debit card. May I use my debit card to book a flight from ShareTrip?
Do I need to upload Visa and passport copies while booking flights on ShareTrip?
Do I need to upload Visa and passport copies while booking Low-Cost Carrier (LCC) flights on ShareTrip?
When and how can I receive my refund from ShareTrip?
What is the cost of arranging a wheelchair at an airport?
What will happen if the fare increase after I book the ticket?
Why has the Airfare increased when I checked?
Will it cost any extra charge if I purchase through a card from ShareTrip?
Refund Modality
What is the ST Convenience Fee?
May I know about baggage details?
What is the process of reissue/date change of the ticket for any child passenger crossing the child age to adult?