How to use ST Pay
How do I use ST Pay for flight bookings on ShareTrip?
Can I use ST Pay for other services within ShareTrip?
What is ST Pay
How to download ST Pay?
What are the ST Pay transaction limits?
How long does it take to transfer money from ST Pay to a Bank Account?
What happens if I fail to log in consecutively three times?
Can I withdraw money from an ATM?
I can't complete a payment. What should I do?
I changed my smartphone. Do I need to re-register for ST Pay?
I didn't receive a confirmation notification after a transaction. What should I do?
Does ST Pay require a PIN?
Is there any charge applicable to withdraw money from ST Pay?
What happens to dormant accounts?
What are the services provided by ST Pay?
Can I have more than one ST Pay account?
Is there any charge/fee applicable while adding money to ST Pay?
What is the source for Add Money?
Who is eligible for ST Pay Service?
Is there any charge to add money in ST Pay?
What are the ST Pay helpline hours?
Is there any interest earned on the balance in ST Pay?